Got a burning question? Something BDSM-related that you’ve always wondered about or perhaps something you’ve wanted to ask me but wasn’t quite sure how? Now’s your chance. You can email me directly (AskMTO at TroyOrleans dotcom) or, if you prefer, ask me anonymously over on Formspring. I’ll pick the ones that most interest me and answer them here.
Knowing that you stay on top of the newest BDSM Devices and Implements etc. that are out there is there anything that has caught your eye or is there anything thats been out there that you would love to put in your Cabinet of Goodies ? Electroplay..Which would you choose for a shocking experience?
I answered this question a couple of months ago here. Since then I’ve acquired that ball crusher/splitter (LOVE IT!!!) and just placed a customized order for the Mr. S Bishop Head Harness. What I love about the Bishop is that it allows for full sensory deprivation without enclosing the head. I’ve found full hoods can sometimes cause people to overheat quickly, so this is a great compromise. When I placed my order with Mr. S, I was told that their stock of Bishops had all been shipped to Chicago for vending at IML so they’d make one from scratch for me. Taking advantage of this, I’m having several D-rings added to the device. You know how much I like to secure the head.
After teaching a class on mummification and immobilizing bondage recently, I was reminded of how much I’d like to have the Steel Hand Trap from Stockroom. Hand/finger immobilization is one of the bigger challenges for me in bondage and this device solves that problem nicely. I’d also like to get a set of finger splints but still need to figure out which kind(s) would be best for my needs.
I’ve also been talking with MetalBound about building a custom bondage wall for me. My idea is that I want to create a device that marries the rigidity of the Anchor Point with … well, remember the carnival ride when you were a kid and it would spin and spin and then the floor would drop out and you’d be pinned by the centrifugal force to the wall? I want to achieve that vertical suspension effect with bondage. But I want to be able to use my existing equipment, so that weight-bearing and “affixedness” would happen via the D-rings of my various cuffs, head harnesses, and straps with multiple bondage points to distribute the load. Does that make sense? I’m still not sure what the best way is to do that…but that’s the goal. Your ideas/suggestions are welcome.
With the death of yet another remote control vibrating egg, I’ve been eyeing the Lelo Lyla. The folks at Purple Passion introduced me to this great piece, made even more awesome because the remote device mimics the vibrator … so I can know exactly what you’re feeling down there when you raise your fork to your lips at dinner. Initially the small size and absence of a flared base made me concerned that it might not be the safest device for male insertion, but then I realized I could harness it with string, conveniently tied to your C&B. On a more personal level, I’ve been coveting the dual action of the Lelo Soraya but haven’t been able to justify indulging myself on that level yet. But wow. Talk about self-pleasure!
As for electrical pieces, I still haven’t used my cock and ball bondage board nearly enough. Probably because I like having more direct contact with those bits myself. I’ve also been practicing a little with my PES device. The ErosTEK 312 and 302R have always been my go-to e-stim units cause they’re just so easy but I’m working on figuring out some yum fun settings for the PES now, too.
Do you session at weekends or only M-F? Do you try and live a structured week, perhaps to fit in with other friends who have a M-F job, or is the sheer flexibility one of the perks of being a Pro Domme and essentially being your own boss?
I don’t keep a fixed session schedule, in part because there are enough things outside of BDSM that I’m involved in that don’t have predictable schedules — from going to the gym to managing my vanilla business — that I find it easier to accommodate and prioritize each as it comes up. Most of my friends have flexible schedules themselves — or don’t live in New York — so scheduling is not much of an issue when it comes to my social life. I’ll play on weekends as well as during the week. I’ll even session on holidays if I’m around. For the most part, I try to schedule appointments to start between noon-8pm and prefer that appointments are made in advance, though there are plenty of times I’ve agreed to see someone same day as long as his request is made a few hours ahead of time, and I’m available, of course. What I never say yes to are those 8pm emails asking if I want to get together later that night: I’m just not a night owl like that.
Someone asked on Formspring:
When you are talking about your Wall rigging are you referring to something like a Wheel where you can turn your Partner upside down ?
No, though inversion would be a nice bonus, I suppose. I meant something more like this or this. Or you know those photo/memo boards that hold the clippings in a weave of ribbon? Or even just your classic cork board where you use pushpins to keep things in place. I want a fixed bondage board that’s sturdy enough for vertical suspension.
The bondage wall could be as simple as a larger version of the padded headboards sometimes sold for bondage beds, especially where they are “disguised” as architectural details. It could have a matrix of tie-down points mounted on the wall but recessed below the surface of the padding. The tie-down points could be anchored into the wall but into not the padded bondage modules. The padding could be in vertical strips–modules, really–that could be replaced as needed when worn out or for cleaning. Meanwhile, if your suspension unit has wheels, as I believe it does, it could be moved in front of the bondage wall to carry weight and/or movement as it now does. This would mean you could use all your existing equipment. It should permit all the usual types of suspension and affixing you now do with the suspension unit but add the possibility of affixing your playmate(s) to the wall. Or maybe one on the wall and another from above? Possibilities, possibilities. But maybe that’s TOO simple for what you have in mind?
Goodness, you always provide the best gear porn. That hood is killing me (especially the ah, service photo) and the steel hand trap is gorgeous. It would be perfect for a superhero/supervillain scene!
Awesome stuff as always. I just love reading your blog. Do you ever go bowling?