Got a burning question? Something BDSM-related that you’ve always wondered about or perhaps something you’ve wanted to ask me but wasn’t quite sure how? Now’s your chance. You can email me directly (AskMTO at TroyOrleans dotcom) or, if you prefer, ask me anonymously over on Formspring. I’ll pick the ones that most interest me and answer them here.
There’s a pileup of questions over on Formspring, most of which are questions about whether I’m going to write a blog post, inquiries about my redecorating project at Salon d’Orleans, and wondering about my travels. All of which are kinda time sensitive and not really substantive or interesting enough for me to respond to. But these two were easy….so while I have a moment:
How are your Nova Pro glasses working ,do use them alot?
I have so much gear and sometimes it feels like there’s always new equipment coming in, so asking me if I use a piece “a lot” isn’t really the right question. I use them. I like them. Every time I talk to Mistress Tess, who has light stimulation glasses similar to the NovaPro, I’m inspired to use mine again because she does so much cool stuff with hers. It’s inspiring.
What I love about the NovaPro is that it’s an unusual piece of equipment and many of my play partners have yet to experience it. I’m still learning myself how to maximize its potential but it’s definitely a great enhancement to a sensory deprivation bondage experience. Kinda trippy and disorienting and stimulating and relaxing all at once.
So did you get anything fun at Mr S? I think you could never have too much nice metal in the Salon…..
I recently added a few items from Mr. S to my collection, including a hood, gas mask, breath control hood and sleep sack — all in neoprene, as well as leather claw mitts, a wonderful crop, and an inflatable rubber gag with breathing tube that has to be the gaggingest gag ever! My play partner who ordered the gas mask for me was savvy enough to notice the valve on the side and figure out it was used to attach a drinking flask. While Mr. S doesn’t sell the flask, my play partner took it upon himself to hunt one down for me. It’s been my favorite way to keep a bound and helpless one hydrated with … well, whatever Mistress chooses… during long bondage sessions. Then I attach the bubbler bottle and you drink me AND breathe me. Doesn’t that sound dreamy!?!
As for the metal (I think this is a reference to a photo I tweeted), you’re absolutely right. While I didn’t get any new metal from Mr. S, I did recently acquire the fantastically rigid and utterly inescapable Heavy Duty Erector Set from Dungeon Delights. It’s versatile — scavenger’s daughter, anal impaler, And there’s also my new bondage board from MetalBound that’s currently in the works.
The man in the Iron Mask