I’m guessing most of your clients are married men. How does that inform your personal view on men and relationships? My only judgement when it comes to married men and play/sessioning is that sometimes I don’t think the men give their spouses enough credit as far as what their wives desire or what they might be open to as far as kink. I believe every marriage has room for some kink
Ask MTO: Lust, Fear, and Other Surprises
Have you had one or 2 Lustful Sessions as far as the moment or what scared you about a play partner in session? One or two? More like dozens! Lustful sessions happen a lot for me. But my lust isn’t the “hubba hubba” kind. While really good looking people are always just delightful to look at, what really turns me on is
Ask MTO: No Comment
Just reviewed your last seven blog entries. Time for some wanking material, please and thank you.
Do you ever have to delete or remove comments to your blog? If so, why?
Occasionally, I get snarky bits of uselessness — usually via email — like that first “question” (which arrived via Formspring) and I’ll either ignore or delete it, depending on where it is. As for deleting or removing comments from my blog,
Ask MTO: Gadgets
Are there any new Toys or Gadgets out there that have caught your eye or any that you have gotten your hands on that are worth mentioning ?
I’ve been on a bit of a buying moratorium of late — I don’t think anyone would ever accuse me of not having enough toys — so while I haven’t acquired many new pieces in the past year, there are still a few I’ve got my eye on that I hope to get one day….