Got a burning question? Something BDSM-related that you’ve always wondered about or perhaps something you’ve wanted to ask me but wasn’t quite sure how? Now’s your chance. You can email me directly (AskMTO at TroyOrleans dotcom) or, if you prefer, ask me anonymously over on Formspring. I’ll pick the ones that most interest me and … Read More
Putting Your Money Where My Mouth Is…
Or something like that… In celebration of my latest appearance on the Masocast — a titillating chat-a-trois with Axe, Mistress Crimson, and myself — I’m making a very special offer. The Masocast, my favorite podcast because, well, it’s the only one that features interviews with me (and, to be fair, it’s also the best kink-themed … Read More
Expressing My Id: An Update
Someone pointed out to me that my silence here since my last post suggested that perhaps I’d given up on the idea of slaves or was otherwise disappointed in the responses I received. That’s the furthest thing from the truth. (And, for what it’s worth, I’ve been tweeting plenty!) The response to my post, “An … Read More
An Unfettered Expression of My Id
Lately I’ve been thinking, Fuck it. I want to own someone. I want to push someone. Control him. Get him to do things he hates simply because it’s what I want. I want to stop worrying about making him happy or serving his fetish/desire and create a slave that exists primarily to make me happy.
Ask MTO: The Future is Now
Where do you see your journey taking you over the next ten years? You’ve been at this a while now, is it a lifelong undertaking, or will you continue to evolve and grow? I’d like to think I’ll continue to evolve and grow whether I stay in domination or not.